
Published by Jeff Hajek on

Setting expectations is part of the relationship building process. Whether between a boss and a subordinate, or a Lean advocate and the rest of the company, relationships are formed by what one party expects from the other.

One of the things that sets the human mind apart from that of animals is our ability to look into the future. That is generally a good thing, but there is one challenge that can come from this. When people look forward, they set expectations in their mind. When reality does not match up with this premonition of the future, anxiety, anger, or a host of other negative emotions can set in.

In most organizations, part of a boss’s job is setting expectations for her team. She must be clear and fair, and she must manage the expectations she sets. When done well, setting expectations reinforces the relationship with her subordinates. They know what is expected of them and can choose to act accordingly. They also know in advance how success is defined, so they aren’t surprised later.

Lean Terms Discussion

In Lean, setting expectations about the outcome of a project or an entire implementation is equally important. When Lean is part of a company’s culture, setting these expectations is just part of every manager’s job.

But when a company is just starting Lean, or if there is not general consensus on how it should be applied, it falls on the Lean advocates to not only sell Lean to the organization, but also to set expectations on what Lean will deliver. Be careful, though. Overpromising can create a minefield that can easily derail Lean efforts.

When setting expectations about what Lean can achieve, it is important to make sure to be realistic. This means evaluating the skills and potential of the team and setting expectations accordingly. You probably should not promise Toyota-style Lean results when you are just getting started. In truth, it is not really the results that you are setting expectations for, but rather the timeline to get there.


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