Podcast: The Lean Management Mindset, Part 2
Well, I have finally gotten around to editing the second part of my interview with Jay Watson about The Lean Management Mindset.
If you are a regular reader/listener of the Gotta Go Lean Blog, you will recall that several weeks back, I posted part one, and mentioned that I’d post part two the following week. Well, time has passed, and now I am finally getting it here for your listening pleasure.
Part 2 is a little over 25 minutes.
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Jeff Hajek · June 3, 2010 at 3:07 pm
I intend to get it on iTunes eventually, but my list of things to do before that is pretty long. I’ll let you know when I get to it.
Brian Buck · June 3, 2010 at 12:00 pm
Is your podcast in iTunes? I may have searched for it wrong but wasn’t able to locate it?
If not, do you have an RSS for just the podcasts since you can make iTunes pull them from it?
I usually like to listen on the go.