Repeatability is the ability for the same individual or team to get identical results from a process time after time. Essentially, repeatability is the opposite of output variation.
When processes are not repeatable, the problem falls into three basic categories.
- A variation in inputs causes poor repeatability.
- A poor process causes poor repeatability.
- The tools or measuring devices are flawed.
This, of course, assumes that the operator is attempting to follow the process. If they do things differently every time, there really is no process.
Note that repeatability refers to one entity being able to replicate one’s own results consistently. Reproducibility is the ability of someone else being able to get the same results with the same inputs. Repeatability and reproducibility are the ‘R’s in “Gauge R&R”.
In Lean, the primary method of improving repeatability is through standardization. On the shop floor, this is achieved with Standard Work.