RIPS Cycle
A variation of the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle (AKA the Deming Cycle), RIPS stands for Review-Implement-Prove-Standardize, and is a proven method of continuously improving Standard Work and other forms of process standardization.

The RIPS Cycle
Processes should not be static. There should be a constant scrutiny on how to make them better. The best people to do this are those that are most familiar with it: the frontline operators.
In many cases, though, they are extremely familiar with their own processes, but are not as well-versed in either the process for documenting their work, or in improvement methodologies. The RIPS cycle gives them a tool that addresses those problems.
The RIPS Cycle
- Review: The first step of improvement is to review the current process and identify opportunities for change.
- Implement: Once the opportunities are identified, they must be put in place.
- Prove: Once the changes are in use, it is important to make sure that the problems they were meant to address were actually solved.
- Standardize: If the changes are shown to have worked as planned, they must be locked in. Standardizing includes documentation, visual management, and dialing in any changes to workstations.